Oak Highlands Homeowners Association
Our Mission:
To maintain and improve the quality of life for the residents of Oak Highlands by providing social activities and maintaining and increasing home values through civic actions.
What Is The OHHA ?
The Oak Highlands Homeowners Association (“OHHA”) is an organization devoted to improving the safety and quality of life in our neighborhood located within the Lake Highlands area of Dallas, Texas. OHHA is a volunteer-staffed organization; created and organized in the 1980 under the Texas Non-Profit Corporations Act. OHHA provides both tangible and intangible services to preserve and improve the safety and appeal of our neighborhood.
OHHA’s primary focus is with issues which relate to the safety and well-being of the homeowners residing in the OHHA coverage area.
The Oak Highlands Homeowners Association covers an area of the Lake Highlands section of Dallas. This area consists of 167 homes in an area bounded roughly by Royal Lane to the north, Abrams Road to the east, the power lines to the south, and Arborside to the west.